David White
Building Better Businesses for a Better Economy
David White who is the CEO of DRG Outsourcing has long been inspired by the dynamic nature of working with people. He says, “I dedicate my time to ensuring that I clearly articulate the purpose and desired outcomes each business wishes to achieve.”
PEO (Professional Employer Organisation)
DRG provides PEO Services to a wide range of local and international organisations. This services provision provides organisations with:
• Labour law foundation and supporting services,
• Employee taxation guidance and administration, and
• Social security registrations and payments.
This comprehensive HR service is inclusive of a compliant human resource foundation of payroll administration, workman’s compensation, unemployment insurance, contracts of employment, job descriptions, employment equity, workplace skills plans and annual training record returns, and where applicable, application and submission of critical skills and general work permits.
We are a team of professionals, supporting the human resource function within your organisation, ready to aid and provide assistance as and when needed.
Chief Executive Officer: David White
Tel: +27 (0)31 767 0625
E-mail: info@drg.co.za Website: www.drg.co.za
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