Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS)
Established by the Toyota Wessels Trust, the Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS) is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to the development of manufacturing executives in Africa. We are an open institution, welcoming in students from all industries and backgrounds.
TWIMS’ world-class facilities and staff place it at the centre of a manufacturing community dedicated to value creation and societal transformation. The TWIMS campus is part 21st century build and associated technology, and part refurbished historical grandeur. Situated on a tranquil corner of our campus, TWIMS offers students quality, affordable accommodation, and sumptuous breakfasts in a pristine park-like environment.
The staff are passionate individuals dedicated to delivering a world class experience to you. We provide formal academic courses through our partnership with Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), as well as a range of non-academic executive short courses.
The GIBS Manufacturing Focused MBA
This specialised MBA is Africa’s first and only to focus on the manufacturing industry. The two-year programme is comprised of a PGDip and MBA. Students who received 60% and above for the PGDip year graduate to the MBA, which comprises three core sections:
1. In-class electives
2. The Global Module
3. Research
Our electives are manufacturing-specific and cover some of the most relevant topics in today’s manufacturing environment. Current MBA electives:
• Future of Manufacturing
• Sustainable Finance
• Green Manufacturing
• Inclusive Leadership
• Africa Trade
• Lean Supply Chain Management
• Lean Operations Management
The global module sees students embark on a group overseas excursion to learn how global manufacturers are tackling pertinent issues. Our partnerships with manufacturers in Asia, Africa and Europe offer students an opportunity to learn from some of the most well- respected and diverse manufacturers globally.
Manufacturing Ambassador Scholarship
TWIMS is acutely aware of the complex operating environment facing South African based manufacturers and acknowledges that many deserving individuals are unable to pursue the GIBS MBA (manufacturing focus) due to financial constraints. In response to this challenge, TWIMS is honoured to announce that it is now able to offer such individuals the opportunity to apply for the Manufacturing Ambassador Scholarship.
As the result of a generous endowment from the Toyota South Africa Educational Trust, TWIMS will be able to fund up to 15 Manufacturing Ambassador scholarships annually. The scholarship covers 50% of tuition, textbooks, and all residency costs at TWIMS during block-release and exam periods in the PGDip year, and 70% in the MBA year. 70% of the cost of the compulsory global module is also covered.
TWIMS has developed a range of manufacturing short courses to support leadership development; the pinnacle of which are seven Executive Short Courses (ESCs) focusing on Future Manufacturing, Green Manufacturing, Lean Operations Management, Learn Supply Chain Management, Women as Manufacturing Leaders, African Industrialisation and Sustainable Finance.
Future Manufacturing
The Future of Manufacturing course focuses on applying a range of strategic tools to interrogate and engage with potentially highly disruptive market, social and technology forces that are re-framing the manufacturing sector’s development trajectory.
Sustainable Finance
The Sustainable Finance Executive Short Course explores the role of sustainable finance in transitioning organisations to becoming resilient operations. This course adds to the sustainability discourse by examining theories around investment principles, ESG, finance metrics and shareholder return timeframes.
Green Manufacturing
The Green Manufacturing Executive Short Course considers the pertinent issues surrounding the green economy debate and why they are critical to the manufacturing sector.
Lean Operations Management
The course starts with a review of the attributes of lean leadership. The underlying culture and value systems imbued within lean operations management are explored, followed by an exploration of lean execution case studies and examples from across the globe.
Women as Manufacturing Leaders
Manufacturing battles to attract and retain women in leadership positions. With advanced technology changing the future skills set required in the industry, manufacturers need to tap the largest talent pool possible. Research has shown that women in leadership positions can provide greater diversity of perspectives, innovation, and a more balanced approach to management.
African Industrialisation
The course explores the key role of African trade and industrial development for the future of South African based manufacturers; and prepares course participants to take advantage of emerging regional opportunities through the application of a selection of strategic approaches to African expansion.
Lean Supply Chain Management
The Lean Supply Chain Management course focuses on the leadership and operations management challenges of extending lean manufacturing capabilities through supply chains.
New to the TWIMS curriculum, the TWIMS Master classes have been developed as the apex of our executive short courses. These one-day courses are designed to engage with critical topics within larger focus areas such as Lean Manufacturing, Green Manufacturing, Future of Manufacturing and African Trade.
Full Name of Company: Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS)
Services / Products: Academic and non-academic courses focusing on the manufacturing sector.
Date Established: 2018
An industrialised Africa built on world class management capabilities.
A prosperous Africa empowered by sustainable industrialisation.
Executive Director: Prof. Theuns Pelser
Director of Academics: Dr. Lisa Kinnear
Research Manager: Luke Muller
Metair Research Head: Sustainable Manufacturing and Sustainable Finance: Liesel Kassier
Toyota Research Head: Lean Management: Khavitha Singh
Illovo Research Head: African trade: Mbongeni Ndlovu
The Foschini Group (TFG) Research Head: Future of Manufacturing: Dr. Malika Khodja
Manufacturing Ambassador: Prof. Justin Barnes
Physical Address: 74 Everton Road, Kloof, 3610, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)31 767 5202