Sameer Kumandan - South Africa Needs to Turn the Tide on Fraud
Chantelle Frier - Critical Role of Data in Debt Recovery Amid Surge in Consumer Debt
Sameer Kumandan - Consider automating FICA compliance
Sameer Kumandan - Building trust through accurate data
Sameer Kumandan - Navigating FICA Compliance for the South African retail industry
Sameer Kumandan - Breaking down the FIC Act
Sameer Kumandan - How each department in every SA business can mitigate fraud in 2024
SearchWorks - the power of background checks
SearchWorks - Using accurate forensic intelligence to combat serial and organised crime in SA
Do you know your customer? SearchWorks
SearchWorks - Why South African businesses should leverage trustworthy data for better procurement
SearchWorks - South Africa strengthens financial crime prevention
SearchWorks robust, credible data a powerful tool in the anti-money laundering arsenal