Following on from my first article about why you should be using LinkedIn and the two key sides to LinkedIn – your profile and your strategy – let’s delve into what you should be doing with your rofile.
Your profile needs to:
· Get found
· Give value to the reader
· Prove your credibility
The six key starting points (there are 12 points we will cover in total) should be:
· The banner: Personalise it. Keep it simple. Make it stand out and ‘say what you do on the tin’.
· Your photo: As I’d expect to see you if we met. A head and shoulders shot on a clear background is best. Not a photo of you and your bestman/ bridesmaid – I don’t know which one is you!
· Your name: As you would introduce yourself. Make it easy for people to know how to address you. I am only Andrew if I have upset my Mum!
· Your headline: The most important part of any marketing. It needs to say what you do FOR THE READER. And can include some search terms for what you want to be found for. Lose any qualifications here – It’s your ego and the reader probably doesn’t care (or at least could be intimidated) there’s space for these further on, which we will come onto next time.
· Your ‘About’ section: This is your ‘landing page’ and window to the world. Tell people how you help them and ‘What’s In It For Them’ (W.I.I.F.Me). Who you are looking to work with and how you work with them? You have 2000 characters so use them.
· Your ‘Experience’ sections:
Here you can go into more detail and expand on your ‘About’ section. This section and the ‘About’ section are where most people go wrong.
It is human nature to talk about ourselves. Me, me, me we, we, we – ‘They wee all over their audience!’. My most frequently used phrase when talking, messaging, communicating etc with prospects, customers and anyone is: ‘How can I help you best?’. Think smart – make past experiences relevant to how you work today. Maybe split them into separate product groups, target audiences, revenue streams etc.
This is all about marketing! Remember: “No one cares about you. They care about what you can do for them!”.
Upload content of value into your ‘About’ & ‘Experience’ sections. This includes articles, case tudies, tips, documents, and videos (keep these below three minutes each – your reader will tune out otherwise).
Remember I said there are 12 main sections to your profile. Some are more powerful than others. I often hear people complain how they don’t like some of them. Get over it! LinkedIn is huge and a law unto themselves. It is what it is, so let’s utilise each section to serve us best.
When you create a powerful headline, about and experience sections, full of value, more people will see your profile, ask to connect with you and even communicate with you.
I have, in the files section of my free Facebook group, a heap of resources to help you even more with this, which we will delve into in future articles. We will cover the other sections next time.
You can join the group here:
Start utilising LinkedIn more effectively and set yourself apart from your competition!
Connect with me on LinkedIn
You will get some automated responses but I will reply to any messages you send me – we’ll come onto how you can leverage your activity in the same way soon.
. . .and get potential customers messaging you!
(Without paid ads, even if you don't have a big following)
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