In 2022, after 35 years of working in some of the most successful local and global companies, Jacquie Bhana left the corporate world to do what she loves – developing people, seeing them grow and helping them work towards their aspirations. Her current work focuses mainly on coaching and mentoring, which is a process that can empower people at all levels to leverage their unique strengths and achieve their goals.
A year later, Jacquie has quickly grown a solid base of individuals at various levels of their careers, and she has many successes to report on. Her clients currently include both large, medium and small businesses and NPOs. Her work as a small business has taken her beyond the gates of a large single corporate to diverse and varied organisations and clients.
There is a large, pulsating and exciting world of work ‘out there’, with many individuals looking for growth and development.
Some highlights of the year include:
Coaching and mentoring candidates on the Beier Group bursary and education assistance programmes
Durban University of Technology and Projectised graduate mentoring
Succession and strategic planning implementation and performance management at Royal Tyres
A keynote speaker on mental health and wellness
Various high performance coaching initiatives at leadership and SMME level
Working with the Sports Coaching Lab and the Da Vinci Institute to develop and professionalise sports coaching capability.
Business Focus
Jacquie says, “I work with people who feel that they are stuck in their careers by helping them to move into meaningful and impactful roles so that they can help move their organisations forward. I know exactly how scary it can be to think about making changes because we’re so afraid of the unknown. And if you’re wavering because you…
Think you need more time
Don’t feel comfortable with the unknown
Not 100% clear on what your career goal is
Get overwhelmed just thinking about taking action
Lack confidence
Don’t know where to start…
You are not alone – I hear this from my clients all the time, before they begin to embark on this daunting but exciting journey.”
Jacquie has worked in various business sectors, including agriculture, financial services, engineering, automotive and retail. Within these sectors, she has worked at a senior level in both marketing and human resource functions, in management, executive and non-executive roles.
The companies that Jacquie has worked for include VWSA, Bostik and British United Engineering, McCarthy Motor Holdings and Tongaat Hulett. She currently serves on the board of the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the first vice president.
Signature System
In order to assist people Jacquie has adopted her signature system of ‘YOU TO GREAT’ for her individual coaching methodology.
This involves a bespoke process for every client – there is no one size fits all – and covers three pillars.
Coaching is a tool that can empower people at all levels to leverage their unique strengths and achieve their goals and has the following benefits:
GREATER SELF-AWARENESS – allows participants to reflect in a non-judgemental space and become more aware of what makes them tick, and also how to work better with others.
IMPROVED COMMUNICATION – people can practice setting boundaries, apologising, having difficult conversations. They can give and receive feedback on how their tone, mannerisms and choice of words impact others.
MORE CONFIDENCE – your coach may not always agree with you, and they can’t give you the answers or do the work for you, but they’re always in your corner. This can boost your self-esteem.
ACCOUNTABILITY – people who work with coaches set clear goals, and they are focused and intentional about the steps that they need to take to reach those goals.
BETTER WELLBEING – coaching is known to help reduce stress and burnout because clients learn to manage their workloads more efficiently.
Jacquie’s years of experience and success with people development make her an ideal person with whom to work. Her company, Jacquie Bhana Consulting, is a BBBEE level 1 entity. She is well equipped to work as a high performance and life coach and mentor. Jacquie has worked across the board, with executives, managers, small business owners and women from various backgrounds.
For more information:
C: +27 83 386 8343