The KZN Top Business Women 2023 – powered by DRG, BusinessFit and Mangwanani African Spa kicks off this week.
The first group of participating women will be having their photo shoot and their video interview at the beautiful Mangwanani Signature Spa The Capital.
The edited video will be available online and used for content for the article, which along with the photo – will appear in the commemorative KZN Top Business Women Portfolio, print and eBook.
The profiles will also be shared across a range of social media platforms, which provide great ongoing marketing opportunities.
During the build up to the final event, the participating women will share aspects of their stories in three panel-based webinars, which will be streamed remotely. Each woman will participate in an online webinar. The dates for these are the 12, 19 and 26 October at 6 pm.
The grand finale – the gala dinner, with several ladies receiving further recognition, will take place on the 2 November at the Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani Sky Venue. The event will be live streamed.
We are delighted by the large number of nominations that have been received so far. For more information visit