Gain knowledge, make connections and develop strategies to advance your business! Business can be very lonely, frustrating, and as the daily pressures drag on over the years, can suck the life out of business owners.
A business should be the path to freedom and adventure. However, many business owners experience pain, humiliation, heartbreak and despair as a result of being an entrepreneur.
One solution to consider is the Community, Accountability, Results and Education (C.A.R.E.) Eco-System for business.
Who would want to be a part of an eco-system for business?
Established business owners who want to:
Increase their brand’s visibility
Meet experts and leaders face to face
Build relationships with like-minded business owners
Keep up with current trends
Have FUN!
How does the C.A.R.E Eco System for business work?
Organised networking and alliance building sessions
Business2Business and Business2Consumer break-out sessions
Amazing education and networking lunch
...and so much more!
We will have break-out sessions, global and local keynote speakers and opportunities to sell in the room, buy in the room, build referral partners, and meet future strategic alliances. We are all about building our business community. There is no other eco-system quite like the C.A.R.E MemberSHIP.
Are you a determined business owner who aims to achieve remarkable success for yourself and your business, enabling you to enjoy the freedom and quality of life you deserve?
Join our exclusive monthly business C.A.R.E Eco-System MasterCLASS every third Tuesday monthly. These sessions are specifically designed for established business owners like you, who are ready to take your businesses to new heights.
Our business MasterCLASS provides Community, Accountability, Results and Education (C.A.R.E) to help you grow personally and propel your business toward unparalleled success.
Don’t miss this exclusive monthly event for established business owners only (The average business age is between 10 and 30+ years). You will join like-minded business owners and engage in our unique C.A.R.E. Eco-system for business. This platform provides opportunities to connect with other driven entrepreneurs looking to forge powerful relationships.
The morning session will focus on community and education where you’ll learn from local and global industry experts sharing valuable insights on advancing your business.
The afternoon session will prioritise accountability and results by featuring collaborative planning for the upcoming month with a MasterMIND group. You’ll also have the chance to learn from fellow members who have faced similar frustrations or challenges or goals that they have achieved, share lessons learnt, and the advantage of this exceptional opportunity to receive personalised feedback, gain fresh perspectives and refine your business strategies.
Contact me to experience your first MemberSHIP exclusive Business C.A.R.E Workshop – limited spots available! Then we can talk about becoming a member of this exclusive group of established Business Owners Eco-System for Business.
Contact me on https://linkshare.co.za/marlenepowell or call +27 (0)83 479 447