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Pindiwe Filtane - My Journey to TechWomen 2024: Perseverance, Mentorship, and Community

As I reflect on my path to becoming a TechWomen 2024 Emerging Leader, I realize that rejection and resilience paved the way for this remarkable opportunity.

In 2014, I first discovered TechWomen, a program that would become a beacon of inspiration. Three years later, I took the leap and applied. Although I was selected as an alternate candidate, I remained on the sidelines, eagerly awaiting another chance.


Fast-forward to 2023, when the TechWomen call for applications reignited my passion. A fellow woman in tech, Senele Goba, encouraged me to apply, sharing a success story of a South African representative in her 50s. My mentor, David White, echoed this sentiment in a timely email, emphasizing my suitability for the program.


With renewed determination, I submitted my application on January 10, 2024. March brought the welcome news of my shortlisting, followed by an interview and eventual selection as one of five South African representatives.


The reality of embarking on a five-week journey away from family hit hard, but the excitement of joining a diverse group of STEM leaders soon took over. I bonded with my fellow SA teammates – Dr. Emma Molobi, Apiwe Hotele, Sarah McEwan, and Ntokozo Msiza – through a WhatsApp group, solidifying our camaraderie before we even met.


On September 11, we converged at OR Tambo, proudly sporting our South African flag. As we jetted off to San Francisco, our connection transcended nationality – we became a family united in our pursuit of innovation and progress.


The TechWomen Welcome Orientation and Cultural Reception in Silicon Valley left me awestruck. Surrounded by 100 driven women from around the world, I felt the collective energy of individuals committed to meaningful impact.


This marks the beginning of my TechWomen journey. Stay tuned for tales from Silicon Valley, the epicenter of technological advancement.


Key Takeaways: 

  • Perseverance in the face of rejection

  • Power of mentorship and supportive networks

  • Embracing diversity and global connections


The Journey Continues...


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