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UKZN Foundation - What Will Be Your Legacy?

Creating a bursary fund or endowment for UKZN students is a powerful way to contribute to their educational journey, empower future leaders, promote social mobility, sustain academic excellence, and leave a lasting legacy.

Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of students and contribute to building a brighter future for individuals, communities, and society as a whole. By supporting UKZN students today, you inspire them to pay it forward in the future.



Donors may establish a bursary fund in the name of an organisation, one’s own name, the name of a family or a loved one. Bursaries are essential for supporting students, breaking financial barriers, and transforming lives. By contributing to bursaries, people, alumni, and corporates play a vital role in empowering students, promoting equal opportunities, and building a brighter future for individuals and society as a whole. Your support can make a significant difference and create a ripple effect that lasts a lifetime.


Establish an endowment fund in the name of your organisation, your own name, the name of your family or a loved one. There are minimum contributions required to establish a named endowment fund. Disbursements will only be made on the growth on the capital.


CONTACT US: e-mail or or call 031 260 2389


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